Message (4)


Description: Run-time warning.

Message: Trying to access array offset on value of type null

Stack Trace:

#0 At webfiori\framework\ui\ErrorBox Line 614

#1 At webfiori\framework\WebFioriApp Line 193

#2 At webfiori\examples\views\MdPage Line 109

#3 At webfiori\examples\views\MdPage Line 44

#4 At app\ini\routes\PagesRoutes Line

#5 At Router Line 1436

#6 At webfiori\framework\router\Router Line 1540

#7 At webfiori\framework\router\Router Line 1398

#8 At webfiori\framework\router\Router Line 691

#9 At webfiori\framework\router\Router Line 56

#10 At webfiori\Index Line 83

#11 At webfiori\Index Line 87

Tip: To display more details about the error, define the constant "WF_VERBOSE" and set its value to "true" in the class "GlobalConstants".

Database | WebFiori
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In this page:


One of the important features of any web application is to have a simple-unified interface at which the developer can use to access application database. WebFiori framework has an abstract layer that provides the developer with all needed tools to create databases and performs queries on them. Currently, the abstraction layer supports MySQL and MSSQL database but there are plans to support more in the future.

Note: It is possible to connect to any database using PDO driver of PHP. The database layer helps in defining your database in easy way and also it helps in making the process of building SQL queries much simpler task.

The Idea

Each table in your database is represented by the class Table. Every table consist of columns and every column is represented by the class Column. Each table must be part of a schema (or database). The database is represented by the class Database. WebFiori framework has the class DB which adds extra functionality to the class Database. The database instance is used to connect to database and run queries on it.

In case of MySQL database, database tables represented by the class MySQLTable and table columns represented by the class MySQLColumn. In case of MSSQL, database tables represented by the class MSSQLTable and table columns represented by the class MSSQLColumn.

Initializing your Database

The following set of steps will show you how to create your database structure and connect to the database and execute queries. Overall, there are 3 steps in the process:

  • Adding connection information.
  • Creating database tables as classes.
  • Creating a class that acts as the database schema and adding tables to it.

Adding Connection Information

Database connections are represented by the class ConnectionInfo. Connection information are stored inside the class AppConfig. It is possible to store multiple connecion in it. There are two ways to add connection information. The first one is to add it manually or adding it using command line interface.

Adding connection information manually is simple. The developer have to edit the code inside the method AppConfig::initDbConnections(). Assuming that we have MySQL database with the name testing_db and username root and password 123456, then connection can be added as follows:


private function initDbConnections() {() {
    $this->dbConnections = [
        'connection-00' => new ConnectionInfo('mysql', 'root', '12345', 'testing_db', 'loalhost', 3306, [
            'connection-name' => 'connection-00'

The connection information is added inside the array $dbConnections. This array can have any number of connections. The key in the array represents connection name (connection-00 in this example) and the value is an object of type ConnectionInfo. Note that connection name will be used later to connect to the database.

Creating Database Tables

MySQL Database tables represented by the class MySQLTable. Each table in the database must be represented as a sub class of this class. There are two ways at which the developer can create a class that represent a database table. One is a manual way and the other one is to use command line interface.

To create a table class manually, developer have to create new class that extend the class MySQLTable and add columns to it as needed. Assuming that the developer would like to place database tables in the folder app/database with namespace app\database. Also, assuming that the developer would like to create a table for keeping contacts information.

The constructor of the class accepts one parameter which is the name of the table as it appears in the database. Let's assume that the name of the table is contacts.


namespace app\database;

use webfiori\database\mysql\MySQLTable;

class ContactsTable extends MySQLTable {
    public function __construct() {

After setting the name of the table, developer can start by adding columns to the table. There is more than one way to add columns to the table. The method MySQLTable::addColumns() can be used to add multiple columns at once. The method accepts an associative array. The indices of the array are columns names and the value of each index is a sub associative array that holds column properties.


namespace app\database;

use webfiori\database\mysql\MySQLTable;

class ContactsTable extends MySQLTable {
    public function __construct() {

            'name' => [
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'size' => 50,
                'primary' => true
            'age' => [
                'type' => 'int',
                'size' => 3,
            'mobile' => [
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'size' => 10,
                'is-null' => true
            'phone' => [
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'size' => 10,
                'is-null' => true
            'email' => [
                'type' => 'varchar',
                'size' => 255,
                'is-null' => true

This table will be used to store basic information about contacts. It will act as an interface between the application and the actual database table.

Creating Database Class

After creating tables as classes, developer have to add them to an instance of the class Database which represents the actual database instance. WebFiori framework have the class DB which adds extra functionality like the ability to automatically register multiple tables automatically. For this reason,the developer should use the class DB. Assuming that the name of the database class is TestingDatabase.


namespace app\database;

use webfiori\framework\DB;

class TestingDatabase extends DB {
    public function __construct() {


The constructor of the class accepts one parameter which is the name of the connection that will be used by database instance. After that, database table classes must be registered in order to perform queries on them. To do that, the developer can use the method DB::addTable() for registering single table or the method DB::register() to add multiple tables which belongs to same namespace.


namespace app\database;

use webfiori\framework\DB;
use app\database\ContactsTable;

class TestingDatabase extends DB {
    public function __construct() {

        $this->addTable(new ContactsTable());

Now that the table is added, we can create an instance of the class TestingDatabase and start building queries as needed.

Database Queries

The library provides a query builder which can be used to build almost any type of query. All query builders extend the class AbstractQuery which acts as a base query builder. It has many methods to support the process of building queries. Note that the class Database acts as an interface for this class. To get the query builder instance, use the method Database::getQueryGenerator().

Insert Record

The method AbstractQuery::insert() is used to build an insert query for MySQL and MSSQL database. The following code sample shows how to use that method to create an insert query in case of MySQL database. It is used in same way in case of MSSQL.


$db = new TestingDatabase();
    'name' => 'Ibrahim BinAlshikh',
    'age' => 27,
    'mobile' => '+966554321000',
    'phone' => '+966136543456',
    'email' => ''

// insert into `contacts` (`name`, `age`, `mobile`, `phone`, `email`) values ('Ibrahim BinAlshikh', 27, '+966554321000', '+966136543456', '');

It is possible to insert multiple records using one insert call as follows:


    'cols' => ['name', 'age', 'mobile', 'phone', 'email'],
    'values' => [
        ['Contact 1', 33, '055434323', '0137665765', ''],
        ['Contact 2', 22, '056246436', '0138732156', ''],
        ['Contact 3', 48, '051297647', '0136523489', '']

// insert into `contacts`
// (`name`, `age`, `mobile`, `phone`, `email`)
// values
// ('Contact 1', 33, '055434323', '0137665765', ''),
// ('Contact 2', 22, '056246436', '0138732156', ''),
// ('Contact 3', 48, '051297647', '0136523489', '');

Update Record

The method AbstractQuery::update() is used to build delete record query for MySQL and MSSQL database. The following code sample shows how to use that method to create an update record query with a condition.


$db = new TestingDatabase();
    'age' => 44,
    'email' => ''
])->where('name', '=', 'Contact 1');

// update `contacts` set `age` = 44, set `email` = '' where `contacts`.`name` = 'Contact 1'

Delete Record

The method AbstractQuery::delete() is used to build a delete record query for MySQL and MSSQL database. The following code sample shows how to use that method to create a drop record query with a condition.


$db = new TestingDatabase();

$db->table('contacts')->delete()->where('name', '=', 'Contact 1');

// delete from `contacts` where `contacts`.`name` = 'Contact 1'


The method AbstractQuery::select() is used to build a select query.


$db = new TestingDatabase();

// select * from `contacts`

Note: After building the query, the method Database::execute() or the method AbstractQuery::execute() must be called to run the query on the database.

The method Database::table() is used to specify the table at which the query will be based on. It is possible to select some columns by supplying an array that holds columns that will be selected.


$db = new TestingDatabase();
$db->table('contacts')->select(['name', 'age']);

// select `name`, `age` from `contacts`

Also, it is possible to give an alias for the column using the following syntax.


$db = new TestingDatabase();
    'name' => 'full_name', 
    'age' => 'contact_age'

// select `name` as `full_name`, `age` as `contact_age` from `contacts`

Developer can also add a where condition to the query. There are 3 methods which can be used to add a where condition:


$db = new TestingDatabase();
$db->table('contacts')->select()->where('age', '>', 15)
                                ->andWhere('name', '=', 'Ibrahim');

// select * from `contacts` where `age` > 15 and `name` = 'Ibrahim'



Working With Result Set

After building the query, it must be executed on the database. To execute a query, the method AbstractQuery::execute() can be used. Some queries will not return a result but in case of select query, there will be. This section explains how to work with database query results.

Retrieving Records

To get query result, the method Database::getLastResultSet() can be used. This method will return an object of type ResultSet.


$db = TestingDatabase();
$result = $db->getLastResultSet();

foreach($result as $record) {
   //Do something with the record

The variable $record in the given example will be an associative array. The indices of the array are columns names as they appear in database.

Mapping Records to Objects

It is possible to map the records to objects. To achieve this, the developer can use the method ResultSet:: setMappingFunction(). This method is used to set a function which can use to manipulate the result set after fetching. The method must return an array that contains the records after mapping.


$db = TestingDatabase();
$result = $db->getLastResultSet();

$result->setMappingFunction(function ($dataset){
    $retVal = [];
    foreach($dataset as $record) {
        $contactObj = new Contact();

        $retVal[] = $contactObj;
    return $retVal;

foreach($result as $record) {
   //Now the $record is an object of type Contact

Command Line Utilities

WebFiori framework provides extra commands using CLI which are related to database management. The commands can be used to automate some of the repetitive tasks such as creating new database table. In this section, you will find a summary about the available commands.

Adding Connection Using Command Line Interface

This way of adding database connections is recommended since connection information will be first validated before stored. To add new connection, simply run the command add as follows: php webfiori add. When the command is executed, a menu that has options will appear. The following image shows the whole process of adding the connection using CLI.

Add connection command.

Creating Database Table

It is recommended to use command line interface in creating table classes. By using CLI, you only have to give database table properties as inputs and the class will be created automatically for you. To create a new database table class, simply run the command php webfiori create and select the desired option from the menu.

Add database table command.

Initializing Database Table

The command php webfiori create can be also used to initialize the table in database by selecting another option.

Initialize database table command.

Modifying Database Table

The command php webfiori update-table is used to modify the structure of the table. This command accepts one argument that has the name --table. The value of the argument must be the name of the table class including its namespace.

Initialize database table command.

Next: The Library WebFiori JSON

Previous: Web Services

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