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namespace \webfiori\database

abstract class AbstractQuery

Class Methods Summary

public function __construct()Creates new instance of the class.public abstract function addCol(string$colKey, string$location)Constructs a query that can be used to add a column to a database table.public function addForeignKey(string$keyName)Constructs a query that can be used to add foreign key constraint.public abstract function addPrimaryKey(string$pkName, array$pkCols)Constructs a query which can be used to add a primary key constrain to a table.public function andWhere(AbstractQuery|string$col, string$cond, mixed$val)Build a where condition.public function copyQuery()Creates and returns a copy of the builder.public function createTable()Constructs a query which when executed will create the table in the database.public function delete()Constructs a query which can be used to remove a record from the associated table.public function drop()Constructs a query which will drop a database table when executed.public function dropCol(string$colKey)Constructs a query which can be used to drop a column from associated table.public function dropForeignKey(string$keyName)Constructs a query that can be used to drop foreign key constraint.public abstract function dropPrimaryKey(string$pkName)Constructs a query which can be used to drop a primary key constrain from a table.public function execute()Execute the generated SQL query.public function getLastQueryType()Returns the type of last generated SQL query.public function getLimit()Returns a number that represents the limit.public function getOffset()Returns a number that represents the offset.public function getParams()Returns an array that contains the values at which the prepared query will be bind to.public function getPrevQuery()Returns the previously lined query builder.public function getQuery()Returns the generated SQL query.public function getSchema()Returns the schema at which the generator is associated with.public function getTable()Returns the table which was associated with the query.public function groupBy(string|array$colOrColsArr)Adds a set of columns to the 'group by' part of the query.public abstract function insert(array$colsAndVals)Constructs a query which can be used to insert a record in a table.public function isMultiQuery()Checks if the query represents a multi-query.public function isPrepareBeforeExec()Checks if the query will be prepared before execution or not.public function join(AbstractQuery$query, string$joinType)Perform a join query.public function leftJoin(AbstractQuery$query)Perform a left join query.public function limit(int$limit)Sets the number of records that will be fetched by the query.public abstract function modifyCol(string$colKey, string$location)Constructs a query that can be used to modify a column.public function offset(int$offset)Sets the offset.public function on(string$leftCol, string$rightCol, string$cond)Adds an 'on' condition to a join query.public function orWhere(AbstractQuery|string$col, string$cond, mixed$val)Build a where condition.public function orderBy(array$colsArr)Adds a set of columns to the 'order by' part of the query.public function page(int$num, int$itemsCount)Constructs a query which can be used to fetch a set of records as a page.public abstract function renameCol(string$colKey, string$newName)Constructs a query which can be used to rename a column.public function reset()Reset query parameters to default values.public function rightJoin(AbstractQuery$query)Perform a right join query.public function select(array$cols)Constructs a select query based on associated table.public function selectAvg(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the average value of a column.public function selectCount(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the number of rows of a result.public function selectMax(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the minimum value of a column.public function selectMin(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the minimum value of a column.public function setParams(array$parameters)Sets the parameters which will be used in case the query will be prepared.public function setPrepareBeforeExec(boolean$bool)Sets the value of the property which is used to tell if the query will be prepared query or not.public function setQuery(string$query, boolean$multiQuery)Sets a raw SQL query.public function setSchema(Database$schema)Associate query generator with a database schema.public function setTable(Table$table)Associate a table with the query builder.public function table(string$tblName)Sets the table at which the generator will generate queries for.public function truncate()Constructs a query which will truncate a database table when executed.public function union(AbstractQuery$query, boolean$all)public abstract function update(array$newColsVals)Constructs a query which can be used to update a record.public function where(AbstractQuery|string$col, string$cond, mixed$val, string$joinCond)Adds a 'where' condition to an existing select, update or delete query.public function whereBetween(string$col, mixed$firstVal, mixed$secondVal, string$joinCond, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where between ' condition.public function whereIn(string$col, array$vals, string$joinCond, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where in()' condition.public function whereLeft(string$col, int$charsCount, string$cond, string|array$val, string$joinCond)Adds a 'left()' condition to the 'where' part of the select.public function whereLike(string$col, string$val, string$joinCond, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where like' condition.public function whereNotBetween(string$col, mixed$firstVal, mixed$secVal, string$joinCond)Constructs a 'where not between ' condition.public function whereNotIn(string$col, array$vals, string$joinCond)Constructs a 'where not in()' condition.public function whereNotLike(string$col, string$val, string$joinCond)Constructs a 'where like' condition.public function whereNotNull(string$col, string$join)Constructs a 'where is not null' condition.public function whereNull(string$col, string$join, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where is null' condition.public function whereRight(string$col, int$charsCount, string$cond, string|array$val, string$joinCond)Adds a 'right()' condition to the 'where' part of the select.

Class Methods Details

public function __construct()Creates new instance of the class. public abstract function addCol(string$colKey, string$location)Constructs a query that can be used to add a column to a database table. The developer should implement this method in a way it creates SQL query that can be used to add a column to a table.


  • string $colKey The name of column key as specified when the column was added to the table.
  • string $location The location at which the column will be added to. This usually the name of the column that the new column will be added after.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function addForeignKey(string$keyName)Constructs a query that can be used to add foreign key constraint.


  • string $keyName The name of the foreign key as specified when creating the table.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public abstract function addPrimaryKey(string$pkName, array$pkCols)Constructs a query which can be used to add a primary key constrain to a table.


  • string $pkName The name of the primary key.
  • array $pkCols An array that contains the keys of the columns that the primary key is composed of.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function andWhere(AbstractQuery|string$col, string$cond, mixed$val)Build a where condition. This method can be used to append an 'and' condition to an already existing 'where' condition.


  • AbstractQuery|string $col A string that represents the name of the column that will be evaluated. This also can be an object of type 'AbstractQuery' in case the developer would like to build a sub-where condition.
  • string $cond A string that represents the condition at which column value will be evaluated against. Can be ignored if first parameter is of type 'AbstractQuery'.
  • mixed $val The value (or values) at which the column will be evaluated against. Can be ignored if first parameter is of type 'AbstractQuery'.
Returns: AbstractQueryReturns the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function copyQuery()
Creates and returns a copy of the builder. The information that will be copied includes:
  • Limit.
  • Offset.
  • Linked table.
  • Linked schema.
Returns: MySQLQuery
public function createTable()Constructs a query which when executed will create the table in the database. Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.public function delete()Constructs a query which can be used to remove a record from the associated table. Returns: MSSQLQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.public function drop()Constructs a query which will drop a database table when executed. Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.public function dropCol(string$colKey)Constructs a query which can be used to drop a column from associated table.


  • string $colKey The name of column key taken from the table.
Returns: MSSQLQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function dropForeignKey(string$keyName)Constructs a query that can be used to drop foreign key constraint. Note that the syntax will support only SQL Server and Oracle. The developer may have to override this method to support other databases.


  • string $keyName The name of the key.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public abstract function dropPrimaryKey(string$pkName)Constructs a query which can be used to drop a primary key constrain from a table.


  • string $pkName The name of the primary key.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function execute()Execute the generated SQL query. Returns: ResultSet|nullIf the last executed query was a select, show or describe query, the method will return an object of type 'ResultSet' that holds fetched records. Other than that, the method will return null.public function getLastQueryType()Returns the type of last generated SQL query. Returns: stringThe method will return a string such as 'select' or 'update'.public function getLimit()Returns a number that represents the limit. The limit is basically the number of records that will be fetched.Returns: intNumber of records will be fetched. Default is -1.public function getOffset()Returns a number that represents the offset. The offset is basically the number of records that will be skipped from the start when fetching the result.Returns: intNumber of records will be skipped. Default is -1.public function getParams()Returns an array that contains the values at which the prepared query will be bind to. Returns: arrayAn array that contains the values at which the prepared query will be bind to.public function getPrevQuery()Returns the previously lined query builder. Returns: AbstractQuery|null public function getQuery()Returns the generated SQL query. Returns: stringReturns the generated query as string.public function getSchema()Returns the schema at which the generator is associated with. Returns: DatabaseThe schema at which the generator is associated with.public function getTable()Returns the table which was associated with the query. Returns: Table|nullThe associated table as an object. If no table is associated, the method will return null.public function groupBy(string|array$colOrColsArr)Adds a set of columns to the 'group by' part of the query.


  • string|array $colOrColsArr This can be one column key or an array that contains columns keys.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public abstract function insert(array$colsAndVals)Constructs a query which can be used to insert a record in a table.


  • array $colsAndVals An associative array that holds the columns and values. The indices of the array should be column keys and the values of the indices are the new values.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function isMultiQuery()Checks if the query represents a multi-query. Returns: booleanThe method will return true if the query is a multi-query. False if not.public function isPrepareBeforeExec()Checks if the query will be prepared before execution or not. Returns: booleanThe method will return true if the query will be prepared before execution. False if not.public function join(AbstractQuery$query, string$joinType)Perform a join query.


  • AbstractQuery $query The query at which the current query result will be joined with.
  • string $joinType The type of the join such as 'left join'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function leftJoin(AbstractQuery$query)Perform a left join query.


  • AbstractQuery $query The query at which the current query result will be joined with.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function limit(int$limit)Sets the number of records that will be fetched by the query.


  • int $limit A number which is greater than 0.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public abstract function modifyCol(string$colKey, string$location)Constructs a query that can be used to modify a column.


  • string $colKey The name of column key as specified when the column was added to the table.
  • string $location The location at which the column will be moved to. This usually the name of the column that the column will be added after.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function offset(int$offset)Sets the offset. The offset is basically the number of records that will be skipped from the start.


  • int $offset Number of records to skip.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function on(string$leftCol, string$rightCol, string$cond)Adds an 'on' condition to a join query.


  • string $leftCol The name of the column key which exist in the left table.
  • string $rightCol The name of the column key which exist in the right table.
  • string $cond A condition which is used to join a new 'on' condition with existing one. The value of this attribute can be only 'and' or 'or'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function orWhere(AbstractQuery|string$col, string$cond, mixed$val)Build a where condition. This method can be used to append an 'or' condition to an already existing 'where' condition.


  • AbstractQuery|string $col A string that represents the name of the column that will be evaluated. This also can be an object of type 'AbstractQuery' in case the developer would like to build a sub-where condition.
  • string $cond A string that represents the condition at which column value will be evaluated against. Can be ignored if first parameter is of type 'AbstractQuery'.
  • mixed $val The value (or values) at which the column will be evaluated against. Can be ignored if first parameter is of type 'AbstractQuery'.
Returns: AbstractQueryReturns the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function orderBy(array$colsArr)Adds a set of columns to the 'order by' part of the query.


  • array $colsArr An array that contains columns keys. To specify order type, the indices should be columns keys and the values are order type. Order type can have two values, 'a' for ascending or 'd' for descending.
Returns: @returnAbstractQuery The method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function page(int$num, int$itemsCount)Constructs a query which can be used to fetch a set of records as a page.


  • int $num Page number. It should be a number greater than or equals to 1.
  • int $itemsCount Number of records per page. Must be a number greater than or equals to 1.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public abstract function renameCol(string$colKey, string$newName)Constructs a query which can be used to rename a column.


  • string $colKey The name of column key as specified when the column was added to the table.
  • string $newName The new name of the column.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function reset()Reset query parameters to default values. public function rightJoin(AbstractQuery$query)Perform a right join query.


  • AbstractQuery $query The query at which the current query result will be joined with.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function select(array$cols)Constructs a select query based on associated table.


  • array $cols An array that contains the keys of the columns that will be selected. This also can be an array that holds objects of type 'Expression'. Also, it can be an associative array of columns keys and sub arrays. The sub arrays can have options for the columns that will be selected. Supported options are:
    • 'obj': An object of type column or an expression.
    • 'alias': An optional string which can act as an alias.
    • 'aggregate': Aggregate function to use in the column such as 'avg' or 'max'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function selectAvg(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the average value of a column.


  • string $colName The name of column key.
  • string $alias An optional alias for the column that will hold the value of the average. Default is 'avg'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function selectCount(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the number of rows of a result.


  • string $colName Optional name of column key. Default is null.
  • string $alias An optional alias for the column that will hold the value. Default is 'count'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function selectMax(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the minimum value of a column.


  • string $colName The name of column key.
  • string $alias An optional alias for the column that will hold the value. Default is 'max'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function selectMin(string$colName, string$alias)Constructs a select query which can be used to find the minimum value of a column.


  • string $colName The name of column key.
  • string $alias An optional alias for the column that will hold the value. Default is 'min'.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function setParams(array$parameters)Sets the parameters which will be used in case the query will be prepared.


  • array $parameters An array that holds the parameters. The structure of the array depends on how the developer have implemented the method Connection::bind().
public function setPrepareBeforeExec(boolean$bool)Sets the value of the property which is used to tell if the query will be prepared query or not. This will mostly be used in case of raw SQL queries.


  • boolean $bool True to make a prepared query before execution. False to execute the query without preparation.
public function setQuery(string$query, boolean$multiQuery)Sets a raw SQL query.


  • string $query SQL query.
  • boolean $multiQuery A boolean which is set to true if the query represents multi-query.
public function setSchema(Database$schema)Associate query generator with a database schema.


  • Database $schema The schema at which the generator will be associated with.
public function setTable(Table$table)Associate a table with the query builder.


  • Table $table The table that will be associated.
public function table(string$tblName)Sets the table at which the generator will generate queries for.


  • string $tblName The name of the table.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function truncate()Constructs a query which will truncate a database table when executed. Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.public function union(AbstractQuery$query, boolean$all)


Returns: AbstractQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public abstract function update(array$newColsVals)Constructs a query which can be used to update a record.


  • array $newColsVals An associative array that holds the columns and values. The indices of the array should be column keys and the values of the indices are the new values.
Returns: AbstractQueryThe method should return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function where(AbstractQuery|string$col, string$cond, mixed$val, string$joinCond)Adds a 'where' condition to an existing select, update or delete query.


  • AbstractQuery|string $col The key of the column. This also can be an object of type AbstractQuery. The object is used to build a sub where condition.
  • string $cond A string such as '=' or '!='.
  • mixed $val The value at which column value will be evaluated againest.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereBetween(string$col, mixed$firstVal, mixed$secondVal, string$joinCond, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where between ' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on.
  • mixed $firstVal The left hand side operand of the between condition.
  • mixed $secondVal The right hand side operand of the between condition.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
  • boolean $not If set to true, the 'between' condition will be set to 'not between'.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereIn(string$col, array$vals, string$joinCond, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where in()' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on.
  • array $vals An array that holds the values that will be checked.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
  • boolean $not If set to true, the 'in' condition will be set to 'not in'.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereLeft(string$col, int$charsCount, string$cond, string|array$val, string$joinCond)Adds a 'left()' condition to the 'where' part of the select.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on. Note that the column type must be a string type such as varchar or the call to the method will be ignored.
  • int $charsCount The number of characters that will be taken from the left of the column value.
  • string $cond A condition at which the comparison will be based on. can only have 4 values, '=', '!=', 'in' and 'not in'.
  • string|array $val The value at which the condition will be compared with. This also can be an array of values if the condition is 'in' or 'not in'.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereLike(string$col, string$val, string$joinCond, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where like' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on. Note that the column type must be a string type such as varchar or the call to the method will be ignored.
  • string $val The value at which the 'like' condition will be based on.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
  • boolean $not If set to true, the 'like' condition will be set to 'not like'.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereNotBetween(string$col, mixed$firstVal, mixed$secVal, string$joinCond)Constructs a 'where not between ' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on.
  • mixed $firstVal The left hand side operand of the between condition.
  • mixed $secVal The right hand side operand of the between condition.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereNotIn(string$col, array$vals, string$joinCond)Constructs a 'where not in()' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on.
  • array $vals An array that holds the values that will be checked.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereNotLike(string$col, string$val, string$joinCond)Constructs a 'where like' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on. Note that the column type must be a string type such as varchar or the call to the method will be ignored.
  • string $val The value at which the 'like' condition will be based on.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereNotNull(string$col, string$join)Constructs a 'where is not null' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on.
  • string $join An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereNull(string$col, string$join, boolean$not)Constructs a 'where is null' condition.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on.
  • string $join An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
  • boolean $not If set to true, the 'is null' condition will be set to 'is not null'.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
public function whereRight(string$col, int$charsCount, string$cond, string|array$val, string$joinCond)Adds a 'right()' condition to the 'where' part of the select.


  • string $col The key of the column that the condition will be based on. Note that the column type must be a string type such as varchar or the call to the method will be ignored.
  • int $charsCount The number of characters that will be taken from the right of the column value.
  • string $cond A condition at which the comparison will be based on. can only have 4 values, '=', '!=', 'in' and 'not in'.
  • string|array $val The value at which the condition will be compared with. This also can be an array of values if the condition is 'in' or 'not in'.
  • string $joinCond An optional string which could be used to join more than one condition ('and' or 'or'). If not given, 'and' is used as default value.
Returns: AbstractQuery|MySQLQueryThe method will return the same instance at which the method is called on.
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